Yasha My Deepestlove, The movie is based on the widely circulated image of Yaksha. The story begins with a girl trapped in the country of Yaksha demon, imprisoned in the endless prison, but falling in love with Yaksha demon. In the mysterious Yaksha Demon Kingdom, the protagonists pass through the Infinite Prison where hundreds of demons are suppressed, the deserted town where Yaksha gather, the Guixu Tower guarded by giant pythons, and the triple purgatory on the tower. The true love between the beauty and the evil spirit across the two clans makes people cry. Under the ugly and terrifying Yasha evil face, there is a loyal heart hidden, hiding in the world only to protect it for a lifetime. In the end, the girl was transformed into a witch in order to open a barrier and seal away the endless yaksha cavalry, the human-eating giant python, and the evil demon king forever in the demon kingdom!
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