The Hidden Fox, The Hidden Fox tells the story of a teenage boy named Hu Fei’s revenge attempt against a group of bad people who killed his father, Hu Yidao, in search of the location of treasure buried in the snow mountains. Because of his low martial arts skills, he was forced to kill the gang of criminals one by one with tactics that were perfectly conceived from the start. Ten years ago, Tian Guinong gathered his powerful generals to set up a bureau, led the heroes Miao Renfeng and Hu Yidao to fight for the treasure, and Miao and Hu both died. Ten years later, Hu Fei, Hu Yidao’s son, rubs his beard to avenge his father. The battle of revenge has begun, and the “hunting game” is here. This film is adapted from Jin Yong’s martial arts novel “Flying Fox in Snow Mountain”.
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Actors: Chen Zihan, Chunyu Shanshan, Huawei Zhao, Ray Lui, Yi Yang, Yusi Chen, Zhao Zichong