Nonton Hero of Masks 2021 Sub Indo 6.41,989
Nonton Hero of Masks 2021 Sub Indo, Wang Daqi, a talented Sichuan Opera martial artist since childhood, is determined to show his ambitions. Unexpectedly, he suffered from stage phobia. Not only did he fail to become a great martial artist, but he faced the crisis of being abolished by the Sichuan Opera House. Just when he was useless, a casual act of righteousness opened a new door for him. He is dressed in consummate face-changing martial arts and unpredictable performance costumes, like a mysterious knight in the night. So the city at night became a new stage for Wang.
Telegram Group: Kaisar21
Actors:Bu Yu, Chen Qiuling, Du Xiaoyu, Yang Liu, Zhang Shuangli
Directors:Darrell Roodt
Duration: 117 Min
Quality: HD
Release Date: 2021-11-07
Countries:France, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States