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Haile II: Is There or Not?!,The curse whispered by the spirits through the cracks of the house traps its visitors in an endless nightmare. In each room, there is a mirror that echoes past mistakes. In the room where time is trapped within the walls, it is impossible to escape the nightmare. It is not possible to leave this house filled with the sins of the visitors.
Telegram Group: KAISAR21
Actors: Betigül Ceylan, Duru Irmak Apaydın, Gülşah Aydın, Kevser Sare Ateş, Ömer Gecü, Tolga Demircan
Actors: Betigül Ceylan, Duru Irmak Apaydın, Gülşah Aydın, Kevser Sare Ateş, Ömer Gecü, Tolga Demircan
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