Nonton Hive 2021 Sub Indo 7.32,030
Nonton Hive 2021 Sub Indo, Fahrije’s husband has been missing since the war in Kosovo so she sets up her own small business to provide for her kids, but as she fights against a patriarchal society that does not support her, she faces a crucial decision: to wait for his return, or to continue to persevere.
Telegram Group: Kaisar21
Actors:Adriana Matoshi, Aurita Agushi, Blerta Ismaili, Çun Lajçi, Kumrije Hoxha, Molike Maxhuni, Yllka Gashi
Directors:Blerta Basholli
Duration: 84 Min
Quality: HD
Release Date: 2021-11-05
Countries:Albania, Kosovo, Republic of North Macedonia, Switzerland